Here's a freshly baked video that I made for all of you InterAmericans! A good friend of mine came back to the U.S. to visit American International College (the college in which she graduated last year) and she will be sharing a little bit of her American College life experience as an international student!
What are some of your college experiences that you will never forget?
Cooking in college might sounds like a dream coming true for those who cannot handle the greasy food of the dinning commons anymore - also known as DC, or cafeteria, or however it is called in your college.
Cooking at your own dorm is a great alternative for those who are perceiving a healthier lifestyle and want to avoid eating more than the necessary - because let's be honest; whenever you are at the cafeteria with all those delicious pizzas, burgers and cookies, it is tough to say no to them.
However, depending of your college and type of dorm, the necessary tools (refrigerator, stove, oven, etc.) to make a great meal are not provided - most of the time you are only allowed to have a small fridge, a microwave and a electric pan.
And there are two other types of people: the lazy ones that even getting up to go to the cafeteria seems like too much of an effort; and the ones that have no idea what cooking means.
Well, my good InterAmericans, this post is for you! Today I will help you to not starve yourself and to avoid the freshman 15 by providing you lots of cool and easy recipes to make in your own dorm only using a microwave.
HERE WE GO: (Click in the images to access the recipes)
One last thing, if after reading this post you would still be doing something like this
Just keep going to the cafeteria, ok? #haha
Hope you enjoyed this post!
Any comments or recipes you would like to add? Leave it in the comment box!